SF Bay Area Live Music
San Francisco Bay Area Live Music is a free service showcasing local, original music artists and bands. We can help you promote upcoming shows! We blast and promote you on social platforms, YouTube and our podcast. We interview and feature three original songs. JOIN OUR COMMUNITY OF ARTISTS!! Never a fee. It’s all about the music! www.sanfranciscobayarealivemusic.com
SF Bay Area Live Music
Backline Chat w/Terry Carleton - Musician, Producer, Writer
This episode features musician, producer, recording engineer, writer, and instructor, Terry Carleton. He shares with us his love of music, recording, drumming, teaching, performing, writing (for Guitar Player Magazine), and his latest project; remixing Vince Guaraldi's soundtracks of "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" and "You're Not Elected, Charlie Brown."
Having the opportunity to interview Terry and hear about his magical, musical journey has been a great honor for me.
I hope you enjoy it!
Our next episode, slated for next month, we chat with music lover and blues aficionado, KZSU Stanford DJ, Sherri Jones. I guarantee, she has some fantastic stories to share. So, keep an eye out for that interview in the next few weeks.
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It's all about the music!
It’s all about the music!